segunda-feira, 16 de abril de 2012

Extreme Makeover - Home Edition

Mil desculpas por andar desaparecida nesta ultima semana, mas a verdade é que não tive tempo nenhum, pois estive em modo Extreme Makeover - Home Edition!! Foi uma semana com muitos arrannjos, muitas paredes e tectos pintados, muita limpeza, muitos jantares as 3h/4h da manhã, mas finalmente está tudo pronto e estou de volta com os posts habituais!!

So sorry for having been gone this last week, but the truth is that I really had no time because i was in Extreme Makeover - Home Edition mode!! It was a week with many works, many painted walls and ceilings, a lot of cleaning, and a lot of dinners at 3h/4h in the morning, but finally everything everything is ready and I am back with the usual posts!!

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